Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Journal 10

You see in now a days that many wars are over religion and who believes is what. It shouldnt matter because it should be accepted that whoever wants to believe in what they want should be able to. People and religious groups try to comform people into believing that their relgion is the best and must be practiced. The war in the middle east is about religion was well. it is a constant and on goign trouble.

Act : the religious groups, forming people into that they want people around the world to believe in. Strong, radical leaders confroming the world to what they want to be powered. church controlling people and countries.

Actor : Chruches, and groups ( jews, arab, christian, cathlotic, budda , ect ) radicalists and people who are againist other religions

Scene : religious grounds , churches, countries

Agency Purpouse : they are doign this to make the world and the people who live in it to belive in one relgion, there religion. when the acts are not accomplished they get angry and try to confrom the world by wars. every single war in history is mostly based on regligion.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

project 4 ... Women News Article

What Women Want ::

(( brain storm ))

-married men
`help around the house
`do the things she wants to do
`want to spend time with her family _ connect with parents
`understand the needs she has and respect her emotions or felings
`listen to her

- single/ dating men
`show that you care and want to take it furter
`respect her friends and want to do things together
`let her be her

Thursday, November 13, 2008

journal 11

Name :: The Rock ( mens magazine )

Mind Mapping ::
Hunting - Cars - Women - Sports - Food - Clothes - Stock Market - Jobs - News - Tech.

hunting - the right products, gear, the right time of the year and the hot spots to hunt in differnt states. the game. weather conditions. ammo. nature / wild life joy . Chew

Cars - the cause and effects of cars. comparison to lower grade cars to higher. what job gets what car. the apperance of your image with the right type of car

Women - Women confessionals. the effects of women on men ( the games ) . What to say what not to say. What they want and how to treat them. getting along with inlaws. help in the household.

ryan, alexis, matt

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

In The News 11/11

1. Now it was not right for him to give the names of the other baseball players because it was not his business to give the names out. it was his mistake to take the drugs and should be delt with but not by the fact of him pulling down other peoples names. that is not right to do.

2. It will make baseball fake in a way. Look at wwf all the people on there are huge and it is fake. soon it will be not talent but who is bigg enough to hit the ball furter. That to me ruins the sport some of the greatest people in basbeall history have been small men who have dominated the game.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

in the news 11/6

i do believe that the econoomy will get worse. It does not stop just because a new president comes into office. He will take money from the others to get the moarket better only taking form the others will inturn ruin the encomony because it is the wealty who also supply our economy. There are big issues to be discussed and imk sure in sometime the ecnomny will get better and we will have to see what a democratic president does since all we know is republican.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Journal Entry # 9


1. The goverment sends kids off to war at such a young age

2. They can fight for their country but cant have a drink

3. The goverment sends kids off to war bcause they need them but try to protect them from drinking

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Journal #8

.. the image

this image claims that women are ignoratnt to the world and what is goign on. Us in our society we are to consumed with what our problems are and how we need to live our day. We dont really take time to see that our problems of not have the right size shirt in the mall compared to countires that dont have any shirt to wear. This persuades people to think one way about our society being better and not caring for anyone else.