Tuesday, October 21, 2008

In The News 10/21

In The News Prompt

1. I believe that the us goverment should not ask each home to pay money but to turn usesless spend dollars in the goverment and use that money to pay of the debt we are in. If this keeps going we are goign to be in serious trouble. The economy should stable out and make prices even and afforable for every one so that akll the profit could stablize the economy.

2. No i do not it tis the goverments fault in putting the american people into debt so they should be the ones to get us out not us paying taxes on top of high taxes we already have to the goverment. they should have thought about this before when are ecnonmy could of been saved. It shouldnt be the people getting the counrty out it should be th goverment who we give our money to.

3. To solve the deficit problem i would stablize the ecnonmny and for a solid couple months make eveything affordable that way all the profits can go toward the economy debt. Then when everyhing and countires are paid off everything can be even and we can start profiting and growing more and more. if we continue to let it sink it will do nothing but hurt us in the end and ruin our counrty.

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