Thursday, October 2, 2008

Journal 6


" In relationships you can fall in and out of love "

right now it is describes as a person who can love someone one day and then not love them another day. that is very hard to say is true or not when somone is inlove the are fully in it and when you dont love them your not with that person anymore without love a realtionship does not work to fufill both parites needs.

this myth has changed to people not admitting they r not inlove with that person anymore to finally admitting it. Back then divorce was not accpeted so when you were out of love you still stayed with that one because of kids or family or to be accpeted into socitey. Now a days people are accepting and can leave and divorce as many times as they want. Happyness is now on peopls minds.

beacuse of this our culture has changed. now we dont question love. We dont work anymore towards a goal. when one falls out of love the relationship ends there is no working to build the love back. it is very easy for someone to leave the broken peices on the floor rather than fitting them back together. This quotes will continue to grow and change with the times.

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