Monday, October 20, 2008

Yes I Belive Final Draft

Life happens to you in mysteryious ways. Some people go through life never expierencing anything worth talking about. If you never have something come into your life to question who you are or what you believe in then you never know whats inside yourself. Many life changing, and people in my life have made me believe in my strenght as a person. The things you as an individaul believe you can never survive, but end up doing so, you come out of thoes situations a stronger person. During these time of question it is always nice to have somone close to you their and for me that person was my family. They truly showed me that strength is all i need to survive.
Time in life is everything. When your day is busy , the only thing that can make the day go by smootly is correct timing and mental strength. Being a student athlete and an athletic trainer is no joke at all. Just like a mother taking care of kids and managing a job, Crazyness is everywhere. Hours go by without even eating or taking a quick break, it is a fast past crazy life. when i get back from class i have practice and the day i dont have practice i have clinical rotations which i dont end up gettin back to the dorm room until 9 every day. My strenght is the only things that keeps me fighting each day to be the best student athlete and best athletic trainer i can be.
That is just touching on the surface of how i feel with my strength. A life or death situation came ot me a couple of years ago that dug deep inside myslef and made me realize any time i cant do something i really can cause all i need is right inside of me. I was snowboarding and went off a jump and landed wrong this caused me to hit into a tree and laserate my kidney. I had very bad internal bleeding and couldnt move. At that moment i thought my life was over. I knew i had to get up and get help so i crawled on the slope and got someone to call the ski partrol. I was hospitalized for 2 weeks strict bed rest and back home out of school for a month. I knew i had to hold on and get through the hard times because if i were to let this injury get the best of me i would just be a weak person who would never come back the same. Now im back better then ever and i still snowboard and hit that same jump every winter. Think about all the paralyzed people in the world they live above their problem and continue to do the things they love everyday of their lives.
My other strenght in my family. The saying strength in number really does me a lot to me. They taught me that all i need is myself in life. Of course i was young and needed them but as i started growing they showed me toughtness in independance and made me grow on my own and expericence life. I saw how my dad had the strength to accept two kid who are not his , as his own and support them in life as they grow. He works full time so my mother does not have to. He is the man who gives us anything we need and desire. growing up under his wings gave me stgrength to be like him and support my self and any one close to me who needed me. He taught me how to be there for someone when they needed hand. Thats strength to be above yourslef and lend a helping hand.
The question to ask youself is what do you believe in. Wether is family morals or something you learned on the road of life. It is what you believe inside yourself that matters the moth. Without testing youself or who you are you will never know who you are inside. Dont back down when a chanallege comes into your life excpet it and make it life changing. Its not like the president backs down when his country needs him. Know who you are and what you believe in!

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