Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Journal # 5

Syfers _ Why i want a wife
Active Reading Questions ::

1. The duties that the wife does is to make sure eveything is perfect for the man. In all areas as taking care of house clothes and kids, to physcial needs. Mostly women still take care of the kids and the house. Not really anything as changed only the fact that now women have more say in the work world not just house work

2. Syfers writes for herslef. What she thinks she puts down on the paper. I wouldnt keep using the word I. In her cause it works cause it is how she feels that is being expressed in the essay.

3. I feel that the justice of women not being able to hold high pressure jobs. It seems that only men arein the high stress jobs, women can handel that also. Men take advantage of this and hold thoes jobs over women.

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