Tuesday, September 23, 2008

News Prompt 9/23

Myspace/ Facebook in our lives.

I believe that the facebook problem is out of control. it is taking over our lives. I mean for it to go away the internet would have to shut down on us FOR GOOD! it is definatly going to be around for a long time, it is needed for people to go about daily activity.

Facebook is a good networker for people. It really does connect people together. For instance when i came to nova i applyed to the nova group and that is how i meet many people who i was going to school with. the down side is that when you are taking on a serious major your future bosses are pulling up your information and if they dont liek what they see you are not getting the job you really want and worked hard for.

I think the fact that people want to see what someone wrote to them or how many friends they ahve or see the amount of people who want to be friends with them is making this site addictive to many poeple. Facebook addicits people because you can see what all your friends are doing liek pictures and wirtting. It acutally is a freaky stalker website !

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