Thursday, September 18, 2008

Revised Draft .. #2

Many activities in life bring you down or build you up. Life can change in a matter of minute or even seconds. The real question is you ready to handle what comes your way? Situations have made me stronger; the things thought I would never get over actually turned out to make me stronger and a better person. All the faults in my path made me a great person. My family you could say is a big part of my strength. They are a big unit that keeps me working toward my goal every day. When I get depressed or feeling like I can’t go on I know I can call my family and be able to get right back on track to complete my goal. You could say that what I believe in is strength. "Strength is born in the silence of long-suffering hearts; not amid Joy" said Arthur Helps is what I live by every day.
I believe my strength is the greatest thing I have going for me. My schedule is packed with tasks that must be done. I juggle being a successful student and a successful athlete. I have to make my parents happy with my grades, and then make my coach happy at the same time. There is no time for play it’s all hard work than right to bed for the next busy day I have to complete……….. I go to practice than class and when I get back from class I am off again to clinical rotations. I have hard days almost every week wanting to quit and just go to sleep. I dig deep inside myself and know that I have the power to continue the days and see the great game days or many beautiful days. My friends are sometimes apart of my strength and the reason why I question it. Moving down to Florida was a strength all on its own and living in a beautiful country Greece. Yes for sure it is very hard but I know I can do and be the things I want to be and that are strength in confidence.
Of course that is just touching the surface of why I believe so strongly in my strength. I have been brought down to the deepest bottom of the bottle. I have felt that I could not get out of bed. I had a near death experience. When I was snowboarding two years ago I went off the jump and did a 360 in the air. The only problem is that I over rotated in that 360 and went off the slope over a rock and into a tree. I had instantaneous internal bleeding and thought I was paralyzed. I couldn’t move for 2 months. I thought I was down with sports and life. I gained movement in my body and realized that I wasn’t going to let that happen to me. Slowly I started moving more and more than I was back playing sports so I was back to normal. My strength was the only thing that got me through the hard times! That why I believe in it
When I was younger I depended on my family. Now I realized that all I need is myself my strength got me to where I am today and I know that whenever I am down I can just depend on myself. It is the only thing I have to get me from one day to the next

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