Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Active Reading 10/23

pg. 371

1. yea i believe that the technique gave me a very good idea of what the article is on because the first paragraph introuduced me to the article and the ending paragrahg closed the whole idea. The middle just closed the details for me and put the picture all together

2. It is important to know that Lightman is a scientist becuase he is coming at a factual back round and he has knowledge on this subject, If he were a artist or a social worker it wouldnt be facutal and it would be based on opinion of that one person. The fact that he is a scientist is very important to the subject matter.

3. Lightman is using a lighthearted tone. In the last paragraph he uses prahes because to show that whta he is saying is true and not forcing it down but to show a differnt perspective.

pg. 385

1. The fact that Gould used evolutionary fact to back up the beliefe in evoultion. He states that the apple falling from the tree and explaining it how newton did. Looking at the world gives us facts that we used the world to get farther in science.

2. Some inferences that gould uses is that he has newton looking at an appple. At this apple he thoughbt of graviattion. With the thought of gravitation he defines it and comes up witht he the law of gravitation.

3. I didnt know about it when he was introuiducing it in the beginigng of the story so i had no idea what he was taking about. Only later into the story i understood what he was saying and talking about it.