Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Journal 10

You see in now a days that many wars are over religion and who believes is what. It shouldnt matter because it should be accepted that whoever wants to believe in what they want should be able to. People and religious groups try to comform people into believing that their relgion is the best and must be practiced. The war in the middle east is about religion was well. it is a constant and on goign trouble.

Act : the religious groups, forming people into that they want people around the world to believe in. Strong, radical leaders confroming the world to what they want to be powered. church controlling people and countries.

Actor : Chruches, and groups ( jews, arab, christian, cathlotic, budda , ect ) radicalists and people who are againist other religions

Scene : religious grounds , churches, countries

Agency Purpouse : they are doign this to make the world and the people who live in it to belive in one relgion, there religion. when the acts are not accomplished they get angry and try to confrom the world by wars. every single war in history is mostly based on regligion.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

project 4 ... Women News Article

What Women Want ::

(( brain storm ))

-married men
`help around the house
`do the things she wants to do
`want to spend time with her family _ connect with parents
`understand the needs she has and respect her emotions or felings
`listen to her

- single/ dating men
`show that you care and want to take it furter
`respect her friends and want to do things together
`let her be her

Thursday, November 13, 2008

journal 11

Name :: The Rock ( mens magazine )

Mind Mapping ::
Hunting - Cars - Women - Sports - Food - Clothes - Stock Market - Jobs - News - Tech.

hunting - the right products, gear, the right time of the year and the hot spots to hunt in differnt states. the game. weather conditions. ammo. nature / wild life joy . Chew

Cars - the cause and effects of cars. comparison to lower grade cars to higher. what job gets what car. the apperance of your image with the right type of car

Women - Women confessionals. the effects of women on men ( the games ) . What to say what not to say. What they want and how to treat them. getting along with inlaws. help in the household.

ryan, alexis, matt

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

In The News 11/11

1. Now it was not right for him to give the names of the other baseball players because it was not his business to give the names out. it was his mistake to take the drugs and should be delt with but not by the fact of him pulling down other peoples names. that is not right to do.

2. It will make baseball fake in a way. Look at wwf all the people on there are huge and it is fake. soon it will be not talent but who is bigg enough to hit the ball furter. That to me ruins the sport some of the greatest people in basbeall history have been small men who have dominated the game.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

in the news 11/6

i do believe that the econoomy will get worse. It does not stop just because a new president comes into office. He will take money from the others to get the moarket better only taking form the others will inturn ruin the encomony because it is the wealty who also supply our economy. There are big issues to be discussed and imk sure in sometime the ecnomny will get better and we will have to see what a democratic president does since all we know is republican.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Journal Entry # 9


1. The goverment sends kids off to war at such a young age

2. They can fight for their country but cant have a drink

3. The goverment sends kids off to war bcause they need them but try to protect them from drinking

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Journal #8

.. the image

this image claims that women are ignoratnt to the world and what is goign on. Us in our society we are to consumed with what our problems are and how we need to live our day. We dont really take time to see that our problems of not have the right size shirt in the mall compared to countires that dont have any shirt to wear. This persuades people to think one way about our society being better and not caring for anyone else.

Active Reading 10/23

pg. 371

1. yea i believe that the technique gave me a very good idea of what the article is on because the first paragraph introuduced me to the article and the ending paragrahg closed the whole idea. The middle just closed the details for me and put the picture all together

2. It is important to know that Lightman is a scientist becuase he is coming at a factual back round and he has knowledge on this subject, If he were a artist or a social worker it wouldnt be facutal and it would be based on opinion of that one person. The fact that he is a scientist is very important to the subject matter.

3. Lightman is using a lighthearted tone. In the last paragraph he uses prahes because to show that whta he is saying is true and not forcing it down but to show a differnt perspective.

pg. 385

1. The fact that Gould used evolutionary fact to back up the beliefe in evoultion. He states that the apple falling from the tree and explaining it how newton did. Looking at the world gives us facts that we used the world to get farther in science.

2. Some inferences that gould uses is that he has newton looking at an appple. At this apple he thoughbt of graviattion. With the thought of gravitation he defines it and comes up witht he the law of gravitation.

3. I didnt know about it when he was introuiducing it in the beginigng of the story so i had no idea what he was taking about. Only later into the story i understood what he was saying and talking about it.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

In The News 10/21

In The News Prompt

1. I believe that the us goverment should not ask each home to pay money but to turn usesless spend dollars in the goverment and use that money to pay of the debt we are in. If this keeps going we are goign to be in serious trouble. The economy should stable out and make prices even and afforable for every one so that akll the profit could stablize the economy.

2. No i do not it tis the goverments fault in putting the american people into debt so they should be the ones to get us out not us paying taxes on top of high taxes we already have to the goverment. they should have thought about this before when are ecnonmy could of been saved. It shouldnt be the people getting the counrty out it should be th goverment who we give our money to.

3. To solve the deficit problem i would stablize the ecnonmny and for a solid couple months make eveything affordable that way all the profits can go toward the economy debt. Then when everyhing and countires are paid off everything can be even and we can start profiting and growing more and more. if we continue to let it sink it will do nothing but hurt us in the end and ruin our counrty.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Yes I Belive Final Draft

Life happens to you in mysteryious ways. Some people go through life never expierencing anything worth talking about. If you never have something come into your life to question who you are or what you believe in then you never know whats inside yourself. Many life changing, and people in my life have made me believe in my strenght as a person. The things you as an individaul believe you can never survive, but end up doing so, you come out of thoes situations a stronger person. During these time of question it is always nice to have somone close to you their and for me that person was my family. They truly showed me that strength is all i need to survive.
Time in life is everything. When your day is busy , the only thing that can make the day go by smootly is correct timing and mental strength. Being a student athlete and an athletic trainer is no joke at all. Just like a mother taking care of kids and managing a job, Crazyness is everywhere. Hours go by without even eating or taking a quick break, it is a fast past crazy life. when i get back from class i have practice and the day i dont have practice i have clinical rotations which i dont end up gettin back to the dorm room until 9 every day. My strenght is the only things that keeps me fighting each day to be the best student athlete and best athletic trainer i can be.
That is just touching on the surface of how i feel with my strength. A life or death situation came ot me a couple of years ago that dug deep inside myslef and made me realize any time i cant do something i really can cause all i need is right inside of me. I was snowboarding and went off a jump and landed wrong this caused me to hit into a tree and laserate my kidney. I had very bad internal bleeding and couldnt move. At that moment i thought my life was over. I knew i had to get up and get help so i crawled on the slope and got someone to call the ski partrol. I was hospitalized for 2 weeks strict bed rest and back home out of school for a month. I knew i had to hold on and get through the hard times because if i were to let this injury get the best of me i would just be a weak person who would never come back the same. Now im back better then ever and i still snowboard and hit that same jump every winter. Think about all the paralyzed people in the world they live above their problem and continue to do the things they love everyday of their lives.
My other strenght in my family. The saying strength in number really does me a lot to me. They taught me that all i need is myself in life. Of course i was young and needed them but as i started growing they showed me toughtness in independance and made me grow on my own and expericence life. I saw how my dad had the strength to accept two kid who are not his , as his own and support them in life as they grow. He works full time so my mother does not have to. He is the man who gives us anything we need and desire. growing up under his wings gave me stgrength to be like him and support my self and any one close to me who needed me. He taught me how to be there for someone when they needed hand. Thats strength to be above yourslef and lend a helping hand.
The question to ask youself is what do you believe in. Wether is family morals or something you learned on the road of life. It is what you believe inside yourself that matters the moth. Without testing youself or who you are you will never know who you are inside. Dont back down when a chanallege comes into your life excpet it and make it life changing. Its not like the president backs down when his country needs him. Know who you are and what you believe in!

Journal Entry 7

In this essay, Orwell suggests that the English language is on the decline because the people who use English are misusing the language. What sort of things does he mention as proof that the English language is in trouble?

A>) The english language is in trouble because people use words that dont fit in sentences to get the point across. People uses prahes in stead of sentences and choppin up the words in the language that is how the english language is in trouble.

Orwell wrote this essay almost 60 years ago. Do you think the English language is in a better or worse condition than when Orwell wrote his essay? Can you think of modern examples of how people misuse language?

A>) It is in worse condition it keeps on getting chopped up worse and worse and now with the text messaging and email there is no use for talk it is alll abbrevaited conversations that dont use real words they are fragmented words that dont make ful understanding sentences.

What do you think of Orwell’s list of rules to improve your writing?

A>) I think that the rules make sence and are good rules to use when you are writting a paper. Who needs to butcher the language anymore when you have time correct and sound proper when useing thr langiage properly in your writting or speaking.

.. When writting and thinking of a picture or a sensation it helps me get my thoughts together and right my paper alll together in one coherient peice. When i dont do that my words and thoughts are all over the page and nothing makes sence. When you sit down all ur thoughts play out and make sence before you wirt them, when you write them sometimes in the middle of the thought your paper or thought trail goes no where and realize the whole thing never made sence in the first place.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

In The News 10/16

Religious Art In Public Places ::

I believe that religion is a form of art is sometimes accepted and not accepted by people of society. the only reason why so many people in oklahoma are pushing for public art is because the majority of the people in that area are probably the same religion. I dont seem them pushing for hindu or muslim art to be public. if art is goign to be accepted and be public it should all forms of relgion. You should represent at last every religion when one goes public all should that is the only way it is fair. Even though it is freedom of speech you shouldnt be able to be bias or subjective to one religion only i understand if you want the cross up but all other religions should be able to put up what they want to. I belive this law is in place because if all religions were to demonstrate out in the public about there god or who they pray to it would be a huge argument. Think about it the law is in place for a reason beacuse there must have been a problem in the past about relgions out in the public.

Project Draft #2

In Relationships you fall in and out of love ::

can you love more then one, somethign that only happen in marrage ~
can you continue to love ~
what does fallin suggest ( nature of it )~
Do relationships need love
Does love need to tagged with marraige

Can You Love More Then One Individual....
In society people relate eternal and complete love to one individual in marraige. But in fact love can spread to more then one person. When you love your parents you dont fall in and out of love with them you continually love them. Same with children a person has. the love for them is different. Its not right to deifne love to only the one you marry. Love is defined and given to people in many ways. not everyone can totally love one person, they love many people close family , and friends.

Can You Continue To Love....
When you end a relationship a daten period with an individual, you still remember them days even years later. For whatever reson why the relationship ended you can still love that one person. Love can be defined as caring and compasion for someone. When your broken up with someone you can still feel compasion and care while being married to another indiviual. Your love is still there with your significant other but love can still be present in your past, that doest mean you dont care for your other its just your love is spread out. Im sure one would never admit but inside we still love something about everyone we meet in that sence we love the things about people that we are not. it makes us who we are that we can appericate people when they come into and out of our lives.

Whats fallin Inlove (( Nature Of Fallin, What It Suggest ))
When people say oh im falling for someone, what does that really mean. I mean to me falling is unintentioal and when you fall to the groudn it hurts. Its is not planned for expected at that time. Its is always happy which is high and sad which is low and down. So why is such a happy time of loving someone put with the down sad word of falling. In movies we see the stars on the screen falling for eachother in this big spectacualr event. this is much how we relate to telling of love stories in our own personal lives. falling has been accopianed with love for ever now and it hasnt been question as something we come to understand.

Do Relationships Need Love....
is it really true that you need love inorder for realtionships to work. You can care and provided for someone every need and not be inlove with that one. A relation works when both have needs are filled by both parties you dont need love. You can have love and the needs not be filled. Love is shown that you need love for somethign to work i mean the realtionship between friends works for the reson because you care for your friend but your not inlove with your friend and that kind of reltionship still works.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Project 2

Draft 1 :: In Relationships You Fall In And Out Of Love

When you truly love someone it is a gift to feel so emotional about that one person. You learn so many things about yourself when your in a relationships. Limits get tested and people get broken but by the end of the day everything is worth it. its is why people stay together for so long and why marriage works. there is also an extrem to it. you learn that you dont love that person and a relationship doesnt work. Thats when you have divorce and breakups, its a part of life.
I believe that when you are in a relationship you need to be one hundred precent in it. Love doesnt work when youo dont give it your all. Loving someone is looking at that person everyday in their eyes and feeling the same way every time you do so. It is a strong feeling that wont just wash away easily it takes time to break away from that person. This is why i find it hard ot believe that you can just fall out of love with that person. When you dont love someone what is the point of staying with them to fall back in love with them. That doesnt make sence to just wait around for the old feelings to come back.

When people fall out of love that is when the breakups and divorces come into play. Now the rate for divorce is higher then ever. Its proven that 1 out of 2 marrage fails and ends in break up. Thats understandable because when all is gone why stay in something you cant give your all into. When you stay you end up fighting and thats not fair to the other peopel who is inlove with you when you are not inlove with them. Its sad to see a happy thing end but then again everything ends for a reason and what is ment to be will be in the end.

I know i am young and talking about love and relationships. I believe that i have a good understanding of what i am talking about it. it is more of just putting it together to make sence

active reading pg.233

Active Reading _ Pg. 233
1. Sanders goes out of the way to detail the story so you can get a clear and vivid picture of how to build the wall. Each step is clearly stated like a blue print in your mind. Sanders does not want to leave any questions in peoples minds.

2. Sanders needs chronological to show building blocks for his steps . He brings history into his work as buliding blocks so when you tap back into your memory you can have each step with each past attached to that memory.

3. Dawn stones are the unworked stones that served as hammers in the old times. He uses it in this essay as a example of a great time leap our society has taken. Still having no great distance in design or imagintion.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Journal 6


" In relationships you can fall in and out of love "

right now it is describes as a person who can love someone one day and then not love them another day. that is very hard to say is true or not when somone is inlove the are fully in it and when you dont love them your not with that person anymore without love a realtionship does not work to fufill both parites needs.

this myth has changed to people not admitting they r not inlove with that person anymore to finally admitting it. Back then divorce was not accpeted so when you were out of love you still stayed with that one because of kids or family or to be accpeted into socitey. Now a days people are accepting and can leave and divorce as many times as they want. Happyness is now on peopls minds.

beacuse of this our culture has changed. now we dont question love. We dont work anymore towards a goal. when one falls out of love the relationship ends there is no working to build the love back. it is very easy for someone to leave the broken peices on the floor rather than fitting them back together. This quotes will continue to grow and change with the times.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

News Prompt 9/25

Pit bulls attack ::

I believe that dogs and humans should not recieve the same punishment for killing a person. Humans gte put in jail and dogs should be put to sleep. the penalty should be put ont he dog owner as well because they are the ones not treateing or caring for that animal right. if a dangerous dog it should be kept away from stray people, when you stop that you stop the attacks on humans. yes these attacks have changed my opinion about the dogs, when i see a put bull and it is growling at me i am going to run and try to stay safe i would nto want to be bitten by one of thoes dogs i understand their intincts and i do not want to be buried because of a dog attack. Dangerous dogs should have sings up of where they are staying to warn people. They should also be put on collars and chained up. That way no one can get attacked and if they do they are the ones provoking the dog to bite them and that is thier fault.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Active Reading 9/25

Active Reading _ Pg. 233

1. Sanders goes out of the way to detail the story so you can get a clear and vivid picture of how to build the wall. Each step is clearly stated like a blue print in your mind. Sanders does not want to leave any questions in peoples minds.

2. Sanders needs chronological to show building blocks for his steps . He brings history into his work as buliding blocks so when you tap back into your memory you can have each step with each past attached to that memory.

3. Dawn stones are the unworked stones that served as hammers in the old times. He uses it in this essay as a example of a great time leap our society has taken. Still having no great distance in design or imagintion.

Journal # 5

Syfers _ Why i want a wife
Active Reading Questions ::

1. The duties that the wife does is to make sure eveything is perfect for the man. In all areas as taking care of house clothes and kids, to physcial needs. Mostly women still take care of the kids and the house. Not really anything as changed only the fact that now women have more say in the work world not just house work

2. Syfers writes for herslef. What she thinks she puts down on the paper. I wouldnt keep using the word I. In her cause it works cause it is how she feels that is being expressed in the essay.

3. I feel that the justice of women not being able to hold high pressure jobs. It seems that only men arein the high stress jobs, women can handel that also. Men take advantage of this and hold thoes jobs over women.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

News Prompt 9/23

Myspace/ Facebook in our lives.

I believe that the facebook problem is out of control. it is taking over our lives. I mean for it to go away the internet would have to shut down on us FOR GOOD! it is definatly going to be around for a long time, it is needed for people to go about daily activity.

Facebook is a good networker for people. It really does connect people together. For instance when i came to nova i applyed to the nova group and that is how i meet many people who i was going to school with. the down side is that when you are taking on a serious major your future bosses are pulling up your information and if they dont liek what they see you are not getting the job you really want and worked hard for.

I think the fact that people want to see what someone wrote to them or how many friends they ahve or see the amount of people who want to be friends with them is making this site addictive to many poeple. Facebook addicits people because you can see what all your friends are doing liek pictures and wirtting. It acutally is a freaky stalker website !

Monday, September 22, 2008

Active Reading pg 108

Answers ::

1. 6th myth of creativty

1- creativty comes from people who express and work their creativty out on paper
2-thinking about money produces you not to think about creativty it limits it
3- Being put under sever pressure does not help you be more creativty
4- Fear and sadness does not force out creativty
5- Creativty takes a hit when people ina work group compete
6- Creativty decreases durin a down size

2. Amabile took journals of people working in the business world on creative projects and had them document their works. She used high tech and chemical companys. She didnt say she was studying creativty. She was looking for the emotions and expressions done in the employees writting in the jornals. It was interesting how she did not tell them she was studying creativty in the work place.

3. The audience for Bill Breen's article is the work place people and pretty much anyone who reads it in the work world. You can tell by his reference to the working world ad how people competeing and working together day in and day out.

journal #4

What does Bartholomae mean when he says that students must “invent the university” when they write in college?

What does Bartholomae suggest is a way for students to become “insiders” within academic discourse?

Summarize some of the differences between the two examples of student writing that Bartholomae examines, and Bartholomae’s opinion of these examples.

Answers ::

1. Bartholomae ment that students must find themselves when they write. The creativity lies within them as a person and when you dig down and reveal your true writting that bascially your classroom that you invented yourslef in.

2. To wirte and find out who they are and who they are not. The academic discourse is pretty much your personality or ways that make you tick.

3. The first essay was more about invintng the university but not truly knowing yourslef or your inner creativity it was just a surface scrape. The second essay really got deep into the person and brought out the creativity in that individual.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Revised Draft .. #2

Many activities in life bring you down or build you up. Life can change in a matter of minute or even seconds. The real question is you ready to handle what comes your way? Situations have made me stronger; the things thought I would never get over actually turned out to make me stronger and a better person. All the faults in my path made me a great person. My family you could say is a big part of my strength. They are a big unit that keeps me working toward my goal every day. When I get depressed or feeling like I can’t go on I know I can call my family and be able to get right back on track to complete my goal. You could say that what I believe in is strength. "Strength is born in the silence of long-suffering hearts; not amid Joy" said Arthur Helps is what I live by every day.
I believe my strength is the greatest thing I have going for me. My schedule is packed with tasks that must be done. I juggle being a successful student and a successful athlete. I have to make my parents happy with my grades, and then make my coach happy at the same time. There is no time for play it’s all hard work than right to bed for the next busy day I have to complete……….. I go to practice than class and when I get back from class I am off again to clinical rotations. I have hard days almost every week wanting to quit and just go to sleep. I dig deep inside myself and know that I have the power to continue the days and see the great game days or many beautiful days. My friends are sometimes apart of my strength and the reason why I question it. Moving down to Florida was a strength all on its own and living in a beautiful country Greece. Yes for sure it is very hard but I know I can do and be the things I want to be and that are strength in confidence.
Of course that is just touching the surface of why I believe so strongly in my strength. I have been brought down to the deepest bottom of the bottle. I have felt that I could not get out of bed. I had a near death experience. When I was snowboarding two years ago I went off the jump and did a 360 in the air. The only problem is that I over rotated in that 360 and went off the slope over a rock and into a tree. I had instantaneous internal bleeding and thought I was paralyzed. I couldn’t move for 2 months. I thought I was down with sports and life. I gained movement in my body and realized that I wasn’t going to let that happen to me. Slowly I started moving more and more than I was back playing sports so I was back to normal. My strength was the only thing that got me through the hard times! That why I believe in it
When I was younger I depended on my family. Now I realized that all I need is myself my strength got me to where I am today and I know that whenever I am down I can just depend on myself. It is the only thing I have to get me from one day to the next

News Prompt 9/18


The news article informed us about how peoples lives are being taken by the advancement of technology in the world. Its is very bad for a study to be done about how many poeple died because of a tool people thought was better for communicating to eachother, texting. That is a trageity. I do believe that when the advancement of technology is so big that much work should be done to check if they are afer for our uses. I mean the mircowave is a wonderful invention but i dont want to have it if it is causeing brith effects for pregante women. Technology is great and im sure that we wouldn't be where we are today if we didnt have the many things we have. Its just terrible how the things we come to survive on every day of our lives end up hurting us in the end. People need to wake up and be smarter about thing. Of course you shouldnt be texting while doing something thats common sense, but for the other things only trust the technology you really need and is safe. You dont need a mircowave you can use the oven or stove. Technology only gets the best of us because we allow it to take over our lives and hurt us.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Yes I Believe Rough Draft (( part one ))

Many activities in life bring you down or build you up. Life can change in a matter of minute or even seconds. The real question is you ready to handle what comes your way? Situations have made me stronger; the things thought I would never get over actually turned out to make me stronger and a better person. All the faults in my path made me a great person. My family you could say is a big part of my strength. They are a big unit that keeps me working toward my goal every day. When I get depressed or feeling like I can’t go on I know I can call my family and be able to get right back on track to complete my goal. You could say that what I believe in is strength.
I believe my strength is the greatest thing I have going for me. I’m not sure you understand what it is to be an athlete and an athletic trainer at he same time. That is no joke it is a full time job. I go to practice than class and when I get back from class I am off again to clinical rotations. I have hard days almost every week wanting to quit and just go to sleep. I dig deep inside myself and know that I have the power to continue the days and see the great game days or many beautiful days. My friends are sometimes apart of my strength and the reason why I question it. Moving down to Florida was a strength all on its own and living in a beautiful country Greece. Yes for sure it is very hard but I know I can do and be the things I want to be and that are strength in confidence.
Of course that is just touching the surface of why I believe so strongly in my strength. I have been brought down to the deepest bottom of the bottle. I have felt that I could not get out of bed. I had a near death experience. When I was snowboarding two years ago I went off the jump and did a 360 in the air. The only problem is that I over rotated in that 360 and went off the slope over a rock and into a tree. I had instantaneous internal bleeding and thought I was paralyzed. I couldn’t move for 2 months. I thought I was down with sports and life. I gained movement in my body and realized that I wasn’t going to let that happen to me. Slowly I started moving more and more than I was back playing sports so I was back to normal. My strength was the only thing that got me through the hard times! That why I believe in it
When I was younger I depended on my family. Now I realized that all I need is myself my strength got me to where I am today and I know that whenever I am down I can just depend on myself. It is the only thing I have to get me from one day to the next

Thursday, September 11, 2008

comment on in the news prompt 9/11

the main question was to be how could you support the troops but still stand to america and say that bush is not doing justice as president. Policitics is a crazy business. For you to believe in one thing and lead the country your family should believe in it to. Since you are one unit its best to tackle situations feeling the same other wise you would have a conflict of intrest in the whitehouse. It was wrong of mrs obama to say that to the world because no matter what you should always be proud of your country not ashamed because they werent doing good under your husbands "presidential hand".

In the new prompt

Politics To Hault For One Day On 9/11 Anniversary

Both canidates appeared together at ground zero to show support to the horrible anniversary attack on 9/11. It was amazing to see that both candidates who are totally differnt in their belives on lead the world come together to stand as one on american soil. They aggreed to stop all their tv ads and show that terrorists will not get the best of america. The 3,000 who died on this horrible day were remebered on this day. Obama oldy called apon americans to " renew the spirt of service and that sense of common purpose". he remined america that the terrorits responisble for the killing are still at large and must be stopped before there next horrible plan takes effect.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

active reading 9/10/08

Pg. 73
1. Smiley belived that it is not what you are forced to do by your parents its more of what you want to do that makes you into a better worker. She describes this by showing that she loved doing all the hard work for taking care of the horses. That impact would be significant to the story , it would make the purpose of the writting.
2. Her evidence is house chores or her husband. Her husband would wish he wasnt doing thoughs chores and dream that he was finished or do something else. Smiley was loving her horse chores and gettin joy out of doing all the hard work. No she is not athouritative she is informing us of her opinion and how chores worked for her. Smiley's audience is the intetion of gettin the parents to stop puttin chores on the children and sooner or latger they will find to do it themselves.
3. She uses the rehitroical questions to get the audiences mind thinking about how chores that are forced do no good for the work job and showing not so good work ethic doesnt build a better person. Her questions got my minf thinking and showed me her point of view and i do agree with it

active reading 9/8/07

Pg. 13
1. the purpose of the writting powell had in mind was to show that through all the hard times and the trouble you can still become what you desire to be. You just have to believe in yourslef and what your mind can do
2. The audience i believe that powell was tryin to reach was the african americans who faced prejudice and adversity ever day
3. The writter is a big hearted man who is brave yet gentile. he never was violent toward anyone who got in his way. He was always the bigger man and accomplished many wonderful things. Yes my opinion has changhed of Powell i give him so much more creidt than i ever did before.

Pg. 19
1. Goldberg wanted to show that writting is not a format that you follow each time. It is something that comes from within and allows you to write freely. The best writting comes freely and thats the only way it comes out good on paper.
2. She had the audience of young people who are in the format of wrrittting in ceritan styles they are forced to.The audiences who are english majors would benifit. The ones who could care less about writting are the ones that will not be affected by her writting.
3. Writting freely is her subject in writting. She does not like a strong format , loose writting is the way to write a paper or get your feelings out on paper. She feels very strong about her topic or subject she is describing about in her writting.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Jounrnal Entry 1

Describe the situation that made you feel a need to respond in writing.
Why did you decide to respond in writing instead of taking some other action or not responding at all?
What type or genre of writing did you use to communicate your purpose, and why did you choose this genre?
Who was your audience and what kind of relationship did you want to establish with your readers?
What was your purpose in writing? Did you feel you accomplished this purpose?
What knowledge of the context and culture did you draw on to guide your writing?
How is thinking about your writing as responding to a “rhetorical situation” different from other ways to think about the writing you do?

Answers ::

The teacher had my class read a book and do a report on it for a midterm grade so that is why i had to respond to the reading i did in writting for a grade.

Writting is the best form for me because it helps me get all my thoughts and feelings on paper so i dont know miss what i am thinking about at that exact time. It helps get all my toughts organized. when you discuss something with another person you tend to take on their opinion as well as yours when you are writting its one view, your own view.

The type or writting i use was opinion writting. i used it to show how i felt about the book i just read and it showed my point of view not in a possessive way just in a way of expressiing my views.

My audience was my teacher and i wanted a friendly coffee talk in my writting. I didnt want to write anything to stern that it would throw off my view or make it unthinkingable to other people reading the book. My objection was get the point of how i felt about the characters and the situation they were placed in by the author.

My purpose was to show my teacher i had well understanding of what happened in the book and what the characters went through durring the chapters. I feel that i did accomplish my goal in making my teacher understand my point of view and my feelings towards the characters.

I drew onto the culture of poverty and starvation. It made me get into the authors head and really understand the pain the characters went through each day of their lives.

The rehitorical thinking for me is differnt i have never written that way before so when i did now it changed my opionion and view. Itg made it more structure rather than a free writting with ni purpose or thoughts.